Single crystal Xray diffraction service IKI
- Single Crystal X-ray Diffraction
- X-ray Fluorometry Spectrometry (XRF) – Panalytical Axios Wavelength Dispersive XRF Spectrometer
- MicroCT – Bruker SkyScan 1272
- X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy- (XPS) ESCALAB Xi+ Thermo-Fisher Scientific
- The system is equipped with both a flood gun for charge compensation and an ion gun for controlled etching of surface layers while it is also capable of Ar+ cluster etch which allows for the removal of surface contaminants without damaging the surface.
- Two X-ray sources are available, one is the standard monochromatic Al-Kα source and the other one is an Ag-Lα which has greater ionization energy allowing inner core orbital excitations.
- UV photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS) allows valence band measurements of all sample types and evaluation of the work function for conducting samples.
- Ion Scattering Spectroscopy (ISS) is also available, allowing inspection of the topmost atomic layer composition of samples.
- Reflected electron energy loss spectroscopy (REELS) can allow measurement of electronic structure and the band gap surface plasmon phenomena and detection of hydrogen.
- A heating stage allows measurements to be performed in-situ in a temperature range from LN2 up to 700o
- XRD- Panalytical Empyrean multi-purpose diffractometer’s
- Small angle x -ray scattering (SAXS)
- Nanoparticle tracking, NS300, Malvern
- Zetasizer, NanoZS, Malvern
- Dynamic and Static Light Scattering
Rigaku Synergy-S is a high-performance single-crystal X-ray diffractometer designed for precise structural determination.
It features a HyPix-Arc 100° curved hybrid photon detector and a kappa multi-axis goniometer for flexible crystal orientation.
The system operates with dual radiation sources (Cu, Mo), allowing versatile sample analysis.
A cryo-system enables low-temperature measurements for temperature-sensitive structures.
It can analyze very small crystals (10 µm and above) and is also capable of high-resolution powder diffraction for sub-milligram samples.
Office Location: Building 51, Room 105.
Wavelengths dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (WDXRF) Axios, PANalytical Co. for non-destructive elemental analysis of solid, liquid and powder samples.
Operated at up to 60 kV and up to 50 mA at a maximum power level of 1 kW.
Vacuum path for solids samples and gas path of helium for liquids or loose powders.
Sample holders with diameter 40-50mm.
The concentration range goes from ppm levels to 100%.
The elemental range goes from Sodium to Uranium.
X-ray computerized microtomography (microCT) uses broad spectrum X-ray radiation to create cross-section images of an object, which can then be used to recreate a ‘3-dimensional’ virtual model. The technique is non-destructive with results corresponding to 2-dimensional maps of X-ray penetration through the sample (roughly correlates to differences in material density). The technique is used primarily for imaging, but can also provide quantitative maps of: high-density inclusions, pore spaces, and density changes across samples, for example.
The XRD lab at IKI has a Bruker SkyScan 1272, CMOS edition ideal for mineralized biologic samples – though light metallic samples (Al, Fe, Cu) can also be imaged if the sample is thin enough to allow good X-ray penetration. The system has W source, providing broad spectrum X-rays, that operates at a maximum power of 10W with a possible range of tunable voltage settings between 40 – 100 kV (current is adjusted to maintain appropriate power balance ratios). The source has a < 5 mm spot size at 4 W. The system is equipped with a state-of-the-art 16 megapixel sCMOS X-ray detector that provides high contrast images with a maximum spatial resolution of <0.5 mm (voxel size). The system can handle samples up to 75 mm in diameter and 80 mm in height. The instrument controller computer is also equipped with the full suite of Bruker microCT data analysis and visualization software to enable rapid post-scan reconstruction and results analysis.
The ESCALAB Xi+ is a multi-technique instrument that provides elemental and chemical information about the surface region of nearly any solid material.
In this system, high-speed routine XPS analysis of both large and small areas is optimized in the range of 200-900µm, and lateral resolution can be extended to 50µm using a second iris.
The ESCALAB Xi+ provides the user with the most advanced parallel X-ray Photoelectron Imaging (XPI) capabilities for the analysis of small features at a spatial resolution of 50µm.
The X-ray source, pumping system, data acquisition system and sample movement are all fully computer-controlled, providing the user with an unattended operation for the analysis of large numbers of samples. An additional analytical capability is Angle-Resolved XPS (ARXPS) with the programmed sample tilt. In addition, a variety of sample holders allow for large samples, spinning of samples, and two specialized heating stages up to 700oC.
X-ray diffractometry (XRD) measures the scatter of a focused beam of X-rays as it passes through a crystalline material. The phenomenon arises from the scattering of X-rays by the electrons of the atoms in the material, without a change in the wavelength of the X-rays. X-ray diffractometry, the measure of this change in direction in X-ray counts versus diffraction angle (2 pheta) is a key material characterization technique. Diffractometry provides material structural information independent of elemental composition. XRD is nondestructive and can be used to identify and determine the crystal structures of metals, alloys, minerals, inorganic compounds, organic compounds, polymers, cements and other materials. In additional to the identification of unknown compounds and the determination of crystal structures; XRD results can be used to derive information on the crystallite size, lattice strain, surface (and interface) roughness, crystallographic orientation, and crystal defects within materials.
The XRD lab at IKI has two Panalytical Empyrean Multi-purpose Diffractometers. Both diffractometers are Cu-source XRD systems (Cu Ka = 1.540Å) equipped with Ni-filters to eliminate Kb radiation. Both systems can measure powder samples and both have auto-sampler attachments capable of holding up to 45 samples (each). Additional laboratory functionalities are distributed between the two systems as follows:
For more information, please click here
SAXLAB’s GANESHA 300 XL- provides information on the structure and dynamics of molecular assemblies like: polymers, colloids and porous materials at Q range of 0.003 to 2A-1
Probing samples over a large range of length scales (SAXS/MAXS/WAXS) from 100nm to sub nanometer , enable to characterize liquids, viscous fluids and solids samples, Temperature dependent analysis between -100 and 350°C.
Meausre Diffusion coefficient by nanoparticle tracking for nanometric solutions.
Diffusion coefficient as well as hydrodynamic radius, size distribution,particle concentartion and fluorescence detection for the diffusing particles, for size range 30 -1000 nm.
zeta potential and dynamic light scattering
zeta potential for colloids system with size characterization at the of range 1-1000nm
CGS-3 LSE-5004 cross-correlator and CGS-3 LSE-5003 correlator measure dynamic and static light scattering by multiangle system for nanometric solutions.
Dynamic experiement: Diffusion coefficient as well as hydrodynamic radius and size distribution at the range of 1-1000nm. Static Experiemnt: Average Molecular Weight: (4KDa – 4MDa for dn/dc=0.2), Gyration Radius: min 5nm, Virial Coefficient