S/TEM Spectra 200
S/TEM Spectra 200

Spectra 200 (S)TEM for Materials Science is a high-throughput platform for atomic-scale materials science investigations. Optimized STEM electron optical performance with probe aberration corrector and ultra-sensitive detection enables the best combination of imaging and analysis. Optimum elemental analysis with EDS provided by the combination of an ultra-high-brightness Cold-FEG (X-CFEG) and Super-X detector configuration to suit the widest range of specimens and experiments. Combination of constant power optics, ultra-high brightness X-CFEG, sensitive detection and the wide-gap pole piece enable to detect light elements (from Boron and above) and most sensitive materials that can be characterized at the atomic scale.


  1. Source:
  • X-CFEG: Ultra-high-brightness cold field emission gun with energy resolution of < 0.4 eV.
  • Flexible high-tension range from 30 – 200 kV.
  1. Optical column and corrector:
  • Three lens condenser illumination system
  • S-CORR probe corrector provides sub-Angstrom imaging resolution at 60 kV as specification and an order of magnitude improvement in optical stability. The S-CORR corrects A5 for all accelerating voltages.
  • Symmetric S-TWIN objective lens with widegap pole piece design of 5.4 mm allows double tilt of ± 30° in alfa and beta.
  1. Resolution:
  • Information limit: 110 pm
  • STEM resolution: 60 pm @ 200 kV and 136 pm @ 60 kV
  1. EDS – Super-X detector:
  • High-sensitivity, windowless EDS, 4 symmetrical segment detector system based on SDD technology.
  • Energy resolution: ≤ 136 eV for Mn-Kα.

Available techniques:

  1. TEM imaging with Ceta-M 16M CMOS camera (with speed enhancement) designed for imaging and diffraction applications.
  2. STEM imaging with Bright field (BF), Dark field (DF) and/or High Angle Annular Dark Field (HAADF) detectors.
  3. TEM tomography.
  4. STEM and EDS tomography.
  5. iDPC mode (for light elements).
  6. Precession diffraction with NanoMegas hardware and software package.

Available acceleration voltages:

  1. 200 kV
  2. 60 kV

Available holders:

  1. Single tilt holder
  2. Double tilt low background analytical holder (optimized for EDS analysis)
  3. Double tilt hex-lock analytical holder (for magnetic samples)
  4. Tomography analytical holder (± 70°)
  5. NanoEx™–i/v – single tilt TEM holder for heating and biasing
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